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To all the boys I've loved before

It's cuffing season folks - that time of year that people look for partnerships to help pass those long winter months - and maybe that's why I'm feeling a little romantic. Or maybe it's because I'm reading a few too many sexy novels right now that have my blood heating up.  I miss those early days of a relationship, don't you? The sickly sweet feeling in your stomach when you realize they're looking at you, wondering if you're thinking what they're thinking. That static charge of the touch of your hands together. The relief when you've put yourself out there and your feelings are reciprocated. The excitement and terror of going on that first date - the first time you're together on your own, without buffers. The gleam in the other person's eye when you know they want to kiss you. Those early days when you can't get enough of each other - wanting to understand where they learned to think the way they do, how their past forged their pre...

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