Face your Trials with confidence
I've been praying for hope lately, because I find it sprinkling like sand between my open fingers. Yesterday as I was driving, I decided that I needed a little bit more JESUS in my life. I switched the radio station over to the Christian station I like a lot and lo and behold, I heard this song:
Confidence, by Sanctus Real
The chorus is:
So give me faith like Daniel in the lion's denGive me hope like Moses in the wildernessGive me a heart like David, Lord be my defenseSo I can face my giants with confidence
I gave a quick "thank you, Lord," to the heavens and starting singing my heart out. To be fair, I thought it was "face my trials with confidence," which made sense to me in the moment but now not so much as I'm reading the lyrics. But either way it works.
So as you face your giants (or trials), know that God, or Allah, or Brahman, or a higher consciousness, or you, yourself, can stand up with confidence. You can draw on it from a higher power, from within yourself, or from your friends and family. You can draw on it from me if you want, I'll give you mine.
For me, I will continue to request faith, hope, heart and strength from the Divine.
Thank you, Getty Images / Drnadig