Liebster Again? Hoowa!

I have been so lucky to be nominated twice for the Liebster Blog Award!  And by someone I don't even know!

I'm not going to let this nomination by a total stranger who reads about my family and likes my blog enlarge my head...I'm not going to let this nomination by a total stranger who reads about my family and likes my blog enlarge my head...I'm not going to let this nomina - Oh, eff it.  There's one person in the whole wide world who reads my blog and isn't a family member or best friend!  How gloriously popular am I?!?!  :)

Okay, okay.  Pride comes before the fall, so I'm going to can it.
But I can't make the butterflies go awayyyyy!  Tee hee!

Kerin, from Confessions of a Serial Napper, is a wonderful mom and I think we have very similar writing styles.  Check out this post, which is very similar from my last post.  I guess there's a lot of love going on around the mothering blogs nowadays! (Mine came after so I'm not implying anything - and don't you either, haters!)  

In order to accept the Liebster Blog Award, I have to a) give 5 interesting facts about myself and b) nominate 3-5 other blogs with less than 200 followers.  So here goes!

How about my Top Five Most Embarrassing Moments?  That's a fun one.  (If not a little cringe-inducing).
  1. My first kiss was at the end of the driveway of my best friend's house.  She was having a party and invited the boy I really liked.  I was in 8th grade and he was in 7th.  I had never been "liked" before - especially by a popular boy - so I was really excited.  I didn't open my mouth (because I didn't know you had to - why would anyone open their mouth anyway? Gross!) and he ended up slobbering all over my face because he probably figured I would open my mouth eventually.  I didn't.  I don't think we spoke after that.
  2. I took a conference call once while I was home suffering from the flu.  I let one rip in a gigantic, time-stopping way while I thought I was on mute.  Guess what - totally wasn't.  Through the horrifying silence that followed, I found the appropriate button.
  3. I came back to work from maternity leave and a week later, still reeling from exhaustion, I accidentally tickled my boss like I was used to doing to Oliver.  We both froze and then I, red-faced, ashamed and horrified, apologized over and over and over again while he assured me, in a similar horrified fashion, that it was okay.
  4. I was about to give a celebratory fist bump to my male co-worker when I called out, "fisties!" Enough said.
  5. I was setting up the conference room for an important board meeting.  I was by myself and it was really early so I let a little PSBD slip.  (Do you know what a PSBD is?  Here's a hint: you have to be a girl to have one - and they're the worst).  My favorite board member chose that minute to walk in.  Before he said anything, he took a deep whiff (like the kind important people make before they have something important to say) and hurried out. I am kind of praying for his board term to end early this year.
Now onto new blogs that you're sure to like!
  1. If you're a stitcher, check out Crystal!  Make sure to look at the Tutorials.
  2. I love Erin's honesty.
  3. Stephanie is a Christian mom with a little el diablo in her.  I'm not sure if she would agree, but just check out her profile picture and let me know what you think!
  4. I just love Erin and her family's shenanigans.
Thank you to Kerin for the Liebster Award and congratulations to Crystal, Erin, Stephanie and Erin, for being nominated (probably for the millionth time!).  Check them out, everyone.

Enjoy your Wednesday and give a little praise up that you're not dead!  :)  Love you!


Unknown said…
Thank you SO much. I will definitely pass it on!
Hooray! You're welcome, Erin!
Mindy said…
I seriously laughed out loud at every single one of your embarrassing moments. You're my favorite.
And thanks for the new blogs to read!

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