Liebster Award!
Can you believe it? One of our friends from college, Treasure Samuel, whose blog about her new baby and her inexplicably expressive dog could charm the horns off of Satan, has nominated us for the Liebster Award! Thank you Treasure!
The Liebster Award seems to have originated in Germany, as Liebster means “most dear” in German. This award recognizes blogs with fewer than 200 followers (which, if you look to the left, means us!) and allows bloggers to motivate and encourage new bloggers! Hooray!
To receive this award - which I do as quickly as I possibly can so Treasure can’t take it back (NO BACKSIES!), I must tell you five fascinating facts about myself and nominate a few of my favorite blogs!
1. I don’t eat the crispy, pointed ends of my fries unless I’m famished. I am pretty sure I’m going to choke on those little pokies. Once, while explaining this to my friend, Jenn, over fries, I inadvertently ate an end and started choking. No shit. So now I SERIOUSLY don’t do it.
2. While it’s economically irresponsible and incredibly negligent, the smell of burning leaves may be one of my favorite smells in the world.
3. The first famous encounter I had when I moved to New York was with Phylicia Rashad (Mrs. Huxtable). It was right before my first show with Melting Pot Theatre Company and we met in the bathroom. She saw I was in all black and assumed correctly that I was backstage crew. She asked me how the show was and I said, “It’s great, you’ll enjoy it.” I was literally shaking.
4. I’ve just started wearing skirts and dresses casually – like, not only for weddings and funerals. It’s pretty liberating and at the same time terrifying. For the longest time, I refused to wear these items because a) I don’t like my knees [but as Jenn puts it, “who does?”] b) my legs are hideously white, c) I always feel like something’s missing, d) in NYC, people DO cat call, they’re mostly undesirables and I don’t really care to attract their attention – there, I said it, e) wind will blow it up and show my stuffs, f) my feet are way too big and it looks like pancakes on the end of popsicle sticks [Jenn: “Well, you can’t cut them off, so you have to live with it”], g) if you get a wedgie it’ll totally show in a big, mean way, h) I never seem to have the appropriate shoes or sweater so that I continue to look nice and not just a hobo with legs, i) I have to shave my calves on a more regular basis than just weekly, k) I cannot figure out how people go up stairs or even sit, l) why in God’s Green Earth would anyone wear a skirt in the winter and m) I’m always bruised. My mom used to say she always knew it was Spring by the look of my legs.
5. My husband tends to pack snacks for me so I don’t get mean. If I’m shopping with Jenn, she sees that look in my eyes and quickly suggests, “Time for cookie and a Coke?”
Now is the time to nominate 4-6 other blogs to receive the famed Liebster Award! In no particular order, let’s celebrate the nominations of:
1. Mindy, who is the wife of one of my best friends in high school and is quickly becoming a sister, has such a clever writing style that is a lot of fun and easy to read. Her contemplative consideration of the world around her kind of floors me.
2. Good friends Alicia and Adam have a 20 month old who may be the funniest little stinker I’ve ever seen. She writes about their experiences living in New York State, making it as a new family. I love reading up on her life.
3. Another friend from Hope, Melissa bought a knitting shop straight out of college and is a big success. She knows who she is and what she’s about, which makes her sarcasm and witticisms even more fun to read. She was also an English Major, which means that this chick can write. If you’re not interested in yarn, you will be.
4. Megan, one of my “Liebster” friends in the city and my co-worker (this lucky broad gets to see her every day), is a master craftsman. Her posts and images of her latest endeavors will frigging wow you.
5. Sara, another friend from Hope. No, she hasn’t blogged in a while, but man, when she gets back into it, be prepared for awesome. She’s an extremely well spoken and gifted mother of two. Just read it, you won’t be disappointed.
6. I don’t know this family, but holy smokes. Their stories about the trials and glories of adopting a child from Russia will have you crying, laughing and emotionally reeling. You will want to HELP!
Kisses and hugs, don’t do drugs.
And while you’re at it, take a second to become a follower. ßßß Tee hee!
By the way... #1, we're all so struck by your beautiful smile that we don't notice your knees; #2, I got one of those dress wedgies today, which made me think of you, and now I may always think of you when I get a dress wedgie, because, you know, they do happen; #3, when I first moved here I didn't know that Jeroen also needs a cookie when shopping and this led to a rushed and snappy purchase of a crappy cell phone that was priced like not-crappy phone, little did we know, so now there's always a mini-stroopwaffel at hand in my purse, plus the promise of a sandwich very soon; #4, you're missed.
Thanks also for the recommendations of other blogs, so nice to read from fun people.