Father's Day - Redux

Remember how we celebrated your daddy on Father's Day?  We celebrate all daddies that day each year.  This year, we went out to breakfast with your daddy's daddy - your Bapa, and we made sure to call mama's daddy - Papa Mickey*.  Papa Mickey's day was extra special because it was his birthday too!  Remember, I wrote this for him last year.  What a lucky, lucky day.  You remembered what you did for Gaga this year, so you did kind of the same thing for Papa too.  We like to keep things equal!

"When Mom said that it was your special day, I went and got my shoes.
I wanted to come see you, but Mom’s news gave me the blues.
So instead I painted both my feet to show how much I love you.
And you’ll know that with my little feet I’d walk the earth to hug you!"^
"I love you, Papa Mickey!"

* "Papa Mickey" is what you've started calling Grandpa Cook because he's Papa from Michigan - and you can't say the state.  It's kinda presh.
^ No, I didn't get this on Pinterest.  I dreamed it up on my own like a boss.


Unknown said…
I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award!!


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