Reformation Sunday

You know that I was born, saved and raised a Baptist and my husband called himself a "recovering Catholic," and that we now attend a Lutheran church. As members, I guess we get to call ourselves Lutherans now, and on the recent Reformation Sunday I was asked to give the children's sermon.

I was understandably anxious to speak about Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, because I'm a new Lutheran. A newbie, though, might have been the best approach, because I learned all about Monk Marty. Here's my sermon:

Today we're going to talk about gifts and how one man 500 years ago used his gifts to change the world.

Does anyone know what we're celebrating today?
(Not Halloween yet, one kid booed).

We're celebrating Reformation today.  On the last Sunday of October 500 years ago, a man named Martin Luther (not to be confused with Martin Luther King, Jr., who also changed the world), put up a list of 95 things that he thought was wrong with the churches at that time.

See, only priests could read the Bible and Martin Luther thought that everyone should be able to read and understand the Bible themselves.

(I wasn't going to go into that whole paying to get out of Purgatory thing).

His list of 95 things started a big conversation and got him in a lot of hot water!  Some very religious people told him to take back what he said because they thought it was wrong.  He didn't, though.  And we're so glad that he was brave and courageous because it changed the way that we praise God!

God gave Martin Luther the gifts of studying and writing, and used his gifts to change the course of religion.  Out of that new religion came lots of new churches, including the one that we're all sitting in right now!

We are all given gifts from God. We may not know what they are now, but in time, we're able to tell what they are because they are things that we're really good at, that make us feel nice and help others.

Devon: You care a lot about your family.
Avery: You show love like no one I've ever met.
Lauren: You say what's on your mind.
Drew: You're quiet and thoughtful, but you're a natural born leader.

You all have gifts just like David, who we learned about last week.  He had really good aim, didn't he?

So today, I want you to think about what your God-given gifts may be.  Think about ways to use them that God would like, and how you can get better at those gifts.  Remember, like Martin Luther God may need you to be brave and courageous to use them for His work.

Let's all pray together: heads down, eyes closed, hands together.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for giving me gifts like you gave Martin Luther.
Please help me to be brave and to use them in a way that is pleasing to you.
Thank you.


Lolly said…
That was a wonderful sermon! God sure gave you many gifts.

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