Happy 5th Birthday Mason!
Mason Mason
Creating a space in
The world
March 7 Twenty-One-Two
Mason Mason
Fully replacing
The emptiness we felt
Without you
Mason Mason
Making your place in
The family
As Teagan's big brother
Mason Mason
Teaching and acing
Life's lessons
One after another
Mason Mason
Never complacent
With small hugs
Or quiet laughter
Mason Mason
Causing frustration
'Cause you know we'll
Love you ever after
Mason Mason
At five you are facing
The door to start
Your education
Mason Mason
Soon you'll be lacing
Up those sneaks
To build your foundation
Mason Mason
We've celebration
But our tricky minds
Are pretty cruel
Mason Mason
Your education
Means watching you
From a distance at school
Mason Mason
Slow your pace, son
When you walk up
That stairway to class
Mason Mason
There's love and grace in
Waving back at us
Through the glass
Mason Mason
You're full of creation
When you fail
You try and retry
Mason Mason
Feel our elation
Watching you grow up
To be a kind guy
Mason Mason
Always be embracing
Joy, Gentleness
And Love
Mason Mason
May you never lose faith in
Family, Friends, Self
And God above
We love you Mason! I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday!