Jus' lil' bit

"Aye, Aye, Captain!"

"Put the window downer!"

"I need jus' lil' bit of help."

"I'M not a goofball.  I'm just a funny kid."

Taking amoxicillan: "I LOVE medicine!"

"When I have a sister, I will shout quietly."  (We aren't pregnant).

Me: "Ollie, don't dunk your bread in your water, please."
Ollie: "No, no, no...I'm just...PROTECTING YOU!"

Me: "Ollie, did you pee?"
Ollie: "Nope."
Me: "What's that?" (pointing to the floor)
Ollie: "Pee." (putting his index and thumb together) "Jus' a lil' bit."

Doug/Me: "Ollie, we don't [pick our nose / dump our milk / do something we just asked him not to do / etc.]"
Ollie: (waving his hands to us) "No, no, no, no...it's fine.  It's fine."

Me: "Ollie, please eat with your fork."
Ollie: "I'm gonna eat this one with my thumb."
Me: (exhausted and irritated) "Why, Ollie?"
Ollie: "Because I'm three."

Me: (seeing that he learned about pyramids that day) "What did you learn about today, Ollie?"
Ollie: "MONEYS!"
Me: "You mean mummies?"
Ollie: "No, Mama.  Moneys."
Me: "Muuummmmies, Ollie."
Ollie: "No, Mama.  Monnnnnnneeeeeeeeys."

Me: (after we sprinted into the grocery store in the pouring rain) "Good job, Ollie!  We did it!"
Ollie: (grabbing the air in front of him) "We just earned 5 gold doubloons!  Let's grab 'em and go!"


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