On December 5th, 2013 at exactly 12:44pm, my sister and brother-in-law, Jessica and Jay, welcomed this little mister to the world:

He was 7 pounds, 12 ounces and came out with a butt chin.
Jessica had a helluva time during pregnancy but pinched this sucker out in an hour.

KARE11 congratulated Jay and his family on the new addition with this picture...

And the families couldn't be happier!

Christmas will never be the same again!

And while Kenzie teared up a little when she saw a different baby in her Mama's arms, she came around to "[her] baby Jax" in no time!  What a good big sister!

Welcome to the world, little Jax!  Ollie is thrilled to have another boy cousin and can't wait to show you the ropes!

Although judging from the colic you're displaying, we think you may have come into the world with a few tricks up your sleeves as well.

Heh, heh, heh.

Congratulations Jay, Jessica, Kenzie and Jax!  We love you very, very much!


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