Baby Book Time!

Last week, you met Aunt Jenn for the first time...again.  She was the first to hold you other than Mama and Daddy and was your best friend while we lived in Brooklyn.  You didn't remember her however, and the two of you had a chance to reconnect when she came to Minnesota for a trade show.  She spent one night with us and you immediately took her hand, ushered her into your room and showed her every single one of your toys.  Bless her heart, she sat on your car rug and gave all the appropriate responses.  Your Aunt Jenn is a fabulously fun woman.  The two of you could barely part the next morning.

Also that weekend...
First time toddler blames gas on another person..................Sat., Nov. 9th / 30 mos
First time toddler picks his nose and eats a booger..............Sat., Nov. 9th / 30 mos
First time toddler spits and sucks it up successfully.............Sat., Nov. 9th / 30 mos

Where are those fields in the baby book?  It was obviously a very successful day.  

For your second Halloween, you were a car.  Not a racecar, not a driver, but a car.

You wore your bike helmet all day at school and barely let them take it off for naptime. Daddy, Uncle Chris and Bella took you around our neighborhood that night while I stayed home with leftover beef stew and a glass of wine.  I handed out KitKats and the Snickers bars your Gaga accidentally bought you for your Halloween basket.  In Michigan, the kids have a set time to go trick-or-treating and Minnesota does not, so it was a little unsettling to think that children could come to our house well into the night.  (I was ready for it, though.  I did not purchase any candy that I, myself, would eat out of boredom.  Chocolate allergy, suckaaaaas!)  You had a great time and lasted about 40 minutes!  Everyone loved your costume, everyone mentioned that they loved what they've done to our house and daddy was thrilled to organize your candy when you got home.  Before bed, you got to hand out candy to a group of about 6 kids.  They were so good, too.  Each one came up to you and said, "Trick or Treat!" and you reached into the candy bowl to thoughtfully match the candy with the kid.  Each of those kids said thank you to you and I found myself wishing I had gotten the camera, it was so sweet.  Now you get to reach into your Halloween bucket to get a treat if you do well at dinnertime.

Favorites as of 2.5 years:
Favorite Animal: Doggie and "Tao" (Cow)
Favorite Color: "Byoo" (Blue)
Favorite Food: "Passa" (Pasta)
Favorite TV Show: Mickey Mouse Tub-Howwwwwss  (Clubhouse)
Favorite Toy: "Lightiiiiing" (Lightning McQueen)
Favorite Song: "Twinka, Twinka" (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Ones we sing the most: "Ole MacDonode," and "Tumkin" (Where is Thumbkin)
Favorite Restaurant: "Donode" Duck (McDonalds)
Favorite Saying: "Let's do that!"
Favorite Time of Day: "Vi-a-min Time!"

Potty training:
We had taken a step back due to laziness.  You screamed that you didn't want to get on; we didn't make you.  I spent all last week praying that we didn't miss the boat.  (No one is still in diapers when they're 18, right?  I mean, without other issues?)  And then, yesterday, you peed on the potty twice!  The second time you were naked after the bath and Doug thought I had you, I thought Doug had you (you know how it goes), and you came running into the bedroom squealing, "I peed, Mama!"  I shrieked, "Where?!?"  You looked me down and frowned.  "In the potty, Mama."  And sure enough!  You had peed in the potty all by yourself!  What a superstar!  You did that again this morning!

I have been trying to find a prayer for dinnertime and a prayer for bedtime.  You don't last very long if I'm doing a non-scripted prayer and I want you to start praying too.  I uncovered my baby book the other day and voila - found this prayer I used to say at bedtime:

Father in Heaven, hear my prayer
Keep me in thy loving care
Be my guide in all I do
Bless all those who love me too
Bless <insert everyone you've ever met here>
Hallelujah!  (I like to add Hallelujah because it's written that I used to.)

Our dinnertime prayer is swiped from the Big Bang Theory:
By His hand, we all are fed
Give us, Lord, our daily bread
Please know that we are truly grateful
For every cup and every plateful

But more often than not, we sing a song taught to us by my niece, Kenzie.
(Sung to the Superman theme)

Thank you GOD for giving us food!
Thank you GOD for giving us food!
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the friends we meet.
Thank you GOD for giving us food!

You like that one because it's loud and you get to raise your arms.

You do not like to eat when we want you to eat.  And you do not like to eat what we want you to eat.  Sometimes food is a stand-off, and sometimes it's cajoled, tricked, negotiated or even bribed into you.  The other night, I made Chef Boyardee Ravioli and some steamed carrots.  Please understand that to me, Chef's Ravioli (I've eaten so much that we're on a first name basis) is heaven in a can.  I understand all the junk, but man, I add that to my list of things I'd want with me on a deserted island.  It's magic.  So I very proudly set this plate in front of you and held my breath to hear your first squeak of culinary delight.  You took one bite, chewed and SPIT IT OUT.  MY.LAN.TA.  I was struck with absolute horror.  You happily ate every one of your carrots and even drank your milk, but you would not touch the ravioli.  I showed you a cupcake Aunt Heather had made and said that if you ate your ravioli, you could have the cupcake.  If you were older, you would have sworn at me, you were so angry.  You kept saying, "I don' like it, Mama!  I don' like it!"  But I knew, I just knew, that if you ate a few pieces you would fall in love with it.  So I said, okay.  If you eat 10 bites, you can eat the cupcake.  "Noooo!  No Mama!"  I brought it down to 5, no luck.  I was starting to get sweaty and crazy eyed so I think everyone was grateful when Doug walked in.  He tried the same tactic and then somehow, I don't even know how he did it unless he used some crazy voo-doo, he got you to eat the whole plate.  I wish I could tell you how he did it, but I can't.  I don't know, really, if you enjoyed his first meet up with the Chef, but you did eat the hell out of that cupcake.  Bribery works, kids.

Everyone have a terrific Tuesday!


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