Things doing...

You are doing some mega-cute things that need to be catalogued one way or another, Brother.

You love "Elmo's Song" and for as long as I can remember, we've played this game where you give me a name and I make up their own "Elmo's Song."  As in:

Da da da da
Da da da da
Gaga's Song

Da da da da
Da da da da
Gaga's Song

Gaga loves her Ollie
And baking treats

That's Gaga's song!

We do it with everyone we can think of - even your favorite toddler teacher who got fired recently for something they won't tell us, but they promise that Ollie wasn't involved.  (ZOINKS).  

Recently, you've asked for me to sing about inanimate objects.  The bath.  Outside.  Bapa's tractor.  You've asked for "Bapa's tractor" so much in the last week that you're starting to sing it with me.

Da da da da
Da da da da
Bapa's tractor  (Ollie: TWACKER!!)

Da da da da
Da da da da
Bapa's tractor  (TWACKER!)

Tractor loves his Ollie  (AH-WEE!)
And giving him rides  (WIDE!)

That's Bapa's tractor!  (TWACKER!)

Sometimes, if the moment is right when I ask you a question, you stick your finger in the cleft of your chin or on your pursed lips and go, "hmmmm..."

You put both hands over your mouth when you laugh with your friends.  I'm not sure if this is your true laugh, the laugh you're trying to create, if you're being sarcastic or you're just trying to make the other person feel better - like when your dad laughs at my lead balloons -  but it makes my heart happy.

You're sitting still longer.  Saturday we went to your first theatre performance!  It was Cirque Ziva at the International Children's Festival in St. Paul and lasted an hour.  You were transfixed and sat in our laps because your chair, despite us putting your loaded backpack on it, kept folding up on you and probably wasn't as comfy as your loving parents' laps.

Last week we read The Cat in the Hat a trillion times and each time you sat patiently through it.  I, on the other hand, would've drowned that cat in a heartbeat.  

You're a mischievous one.  Instead of saying "All done" with a meal (wherein we always urge you to eat more), you squirm violently and shout, "POO POO POTTY!"  I unbuckle you and rush you to the potty, pull down your pants and diaper, and put you on the toilet.  You sit for one second, look down at me and announce, "All done!"  I ask if you've poo-pooed, and you smile patronizingly, hop down and say, "No, Mama."


You are telling me to "Tum, Mama."  Which means "Come, Mama, follow me."  Who wouldn't stop doing anything they're doing to follow that direction?

Speaking of direction, when we ask you where something is, you tell us, "Umm...right there!" I love the toddler "um."  It's makes my stomach jump up into my throat, it's so cute.

You are starting to articulate words a little better.  Airplane has gone from "Ah-pee" to "Hop-pene" and "Paca boh" has become "Socca boh."  Which makes your mama kind of sad.  But you're constantly picking more things up.  You can point to a motorcycle and say "Mo-co-co!" and to a truck and say "Semi Tuck!"  I think they're working with you at daycare on "truck" because one day you came home and every time you said the word, you stretched it out like I assume they do - "Twaaa--kk!"

The other day, you took my keys off the sofa table and said, "Bye!  See-yater!"

That same day, you crawled up into my lap in the driver's seat when the car was off, clicked the lock on the door and said, "WockanWoll!"  This morning, when we had gotten our stuff together and were ready to leave, you asked me, "WockanWoll?"  Yes, baby.  Let's go.

"Orange" is still a tough color to say, though.  "Oh-ta"I think is how you say it.

You miss 8 all the time when counting from 1-10.  You're so very excited about it that I don't have the heart to correct you.

When you give me kisses, you kiss me on one cheek, turn my head to kiss me on the other cheek, and then, with both hands, steady my head so that you can kiss me on the lips.  We don't often kiss you on the lips, just because Doug thinks it's weird, but I'll take any kisses you can give me.  I just hope I don't become one of those moms who will chase you down the street begging for kisses.  "Ollie, give Mama a KISS!!"

But you've got to cut your Daddy some slack, kid.  Yesterday, Doug was singing you "You Are My Sunshine," and told you that you were his sunshine.  When he asked you who your sunshine was, you looked at him and went, "Umm...Mama." 

Your daddy got a little disheartened, but later when I asked you the same question, you said, "Ummm...Ah-wee."  Then, "Ummm...Daddy."  I guess you love us all, huh?

But probably not more than you love Bapa's tractor.  I'll have to live with it.


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