Daddy knows best

I witnessed an awesome event of my husband's doing that deserves huge kudos and recognition.

A couple of weeks ago, I described how Oliver had wanted me to sing a song with him, but I couldn't figure out what he wanted.  It happened again tonight.  We went through round after round and it was maddening.

O: (making hand signals, dancing in his high chair and trying to sing).
Me: (making the same hand signals) "The Itsy Bitsy Spider-"
O: "No!  Zis!" (same hand signals and same dancing)
Me: "I'm a little teacup-"
O: "No!  Zis!" (same signals, dancing)
Me: "I'm bringing home my baby bumblebee-"
O:  <SAME>
Me: "The ant go march-"

This is when Doug swept in without explanation and loudly started singing:

"Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move; gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove."

O whipped his head around, growled acceptance and started dancing.

My husband just quieted our child with Led Zeppelin.



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