We're HERE!

Well, lovelies, after a 23 hour drive in three days, we made it to Minnesota.  Enjoy our memories of our trip!
  • Three days before leaving NYC, finally finding the Central Park Reservoir.
  • Sharing a "Shit Only" eating pact and leaving Target carrying bags filled with Ruffles, Twizzlers, soda (oh, I'm supposed to say "pop" now) and M&Ms.
  • Closing 2 out of the 4 bank accounts because I screwed up and used my Debit card for a $4 metro card.
  • Two days before moving, breaking my toe by slipping on wet bathroom tile after giving O a bath.
  • Saying goodbye to our lovely friends and being asked to say a few of my well-used phrases into a cell phone recorder.
Me, Kat, Emma and T - Alacrity Ladies

  • Helping the movers pack our boxes Tetris-style in order to get as many things in as possible, but still being forced to leave behind our mattress, bed frame, two dressers, an air conditioner, wine fridge, end table, kitchen table, 4 chairs and futon mattress because we specified "3 bedroom apartment" instead of "3 bedroom city apartment."  UHaul bastards.
  • Moving the cab seats up as far as we could in order to fit our bags of food, clothes, both laptops and cooler.
  • White knuckling the first day due to weather, hills, a very hot floor and it being a giant, big-ass truck.
Bye-bye Brooklyn (and Manhattan in the far background)!

  • Slow UHaul pick-up accompanied with delirium giving way to old movie quotes.  "Are those the other cars?!?"
  • Knowing that this was the right move by seeing dozens of "God skies" and a giant rainbow on the road.

  • Making a video of me rapping along with Jay-Z.  Look for it on Facebook.  That shit's cray.
  • Being at the mercy of the toll-booth workers.  "Ehhh...gimme $26."  "But it says $13!"
  • Lodging at a Hampton Inn the first night in Clarion, PA because the fear of bedbugs kept us out of more reasonable rated motels.
  • Being welcomed like kings to my parents' house in Michigan and feasting on pot roast and pumpkin pie.  Ma even had the foresight to put the air purifier (we're nerds) into our room 3 days in advance.  Then leaving at 6:30am the next day because Doug didn't want to get stuck in Chicago traffic and not being able to take pumpkin pie for the road because I was trying to be a responsible adult.
  • Swearing at Doug that I didn't care how close we were to holding Oliver if I didn't eat some food soon I was going to get really pissed...and then stopping at Taco Bell just outside the border of Minnesota to get a dorito taco (because everyone says they're so great), being disappointed in it and mad anyway.  There is no truth in advertising!
  • Oliver not being at all impressed seeing us for the first time after 5 days.
  • Opening a new bank account in a bank that I don't trust as all the advertisements say I should.
  • Buying a car - BUYING A CAR - and being surprised at how easy it was but not at all surprised by how much I suck at playing hard to get.  Doug would lie - "Oh yeah, this is our second car, we have a VW."  And I would get the giggles so dramatically that I'd have to turn around and act interested in a completely different car.
  • Side-smiling when the car guy called us 7 minutes after we had left the dealership because he specifically told us that in Minnesota, they "don't haggle," and offering us a better price.  Then giving us an even better price when we came back.
  • Being upsold on the "Midwest package" and getting ribbed for it by friends who have been there and done that.
  • Shaving my legs for the first time in eons because water was coming off my legs in sheets.
  • Learning about box elder bugs, gas station coupon cards, storage facilities, Twin Cities suburbs, nature preserves and grass stains, and trying not to visit Target 3 times a day.
  • Receiving a welcome package from my sister-in-law, flowers from my sister and her family, housing fliers and recommendations from our friends and overwhelmingly wonderful accommodations from my parents-in-law.
  • Doug being forward enough to invite everyone he meets to join a soccer club.
  • Starting a diet yesterday because my body can only take so much mayonnaise and cheese.  And eating two cookies today.
  • Realizing that in order to get a new driver's license, I have to take a damn test and I don't know if Minnesotans turn right on red or what the rule is when 4 cars stop at the same stop sign (I mean, doesn't everyone have someone on their right?).
  • Noticing that I'm one of the people they're talking about when they say "8, 7 Central."  That was upsetting, but Doug likes to think that we have an extra hour each day.  At least Sons is on at 9pm instead of 10.
  • Doug starting his new job yesterday and Ollie and I being alone for a whole day for the first time in ages.  On the bright side, we went for an hour and a half nature walk and I got a lot accomplished.  On the other side, Oliver watched more Elmo than I'm willing to admit.
Now I'm at Caribou Coffee using their wifi looking at Minnesota Mama stuff, applying to jobs and trying not to play on Facebook.  I am so happy that we made this move - I love being near our MN friends, driving, having space, spending time with O and watching him interact with his grandparents.  I do miss New York, though, and I think that's expected.  Someone mentioned the subway a few days ago and a bit of nostaligia and sadness rolled over me.  It's a little difficult looking at Facebook statuses and pictures depicting life in Brooklyn.  I miss having a routine.  But I'll get there.

Oh, and they're talking about snow on Friday.  Really.  Here we go, Minnesota!
Eating lunch with Ba-Pa.

Gotta do your chores if you're gonna stay with Ba-Pa!



Mindy said…
Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous. It's a huge adventure! I added Minnesota to our list of potential future homes (don't tell Luke). I can't wait to visit you, I've heard it's just beautiful there!

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