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I saw this bumper sticker today and it made me laugh out loud.
Oliver has started wagging his finger.  He thinks he's giving us a thumbs-up.
Oliver's daily quiz goes like this:
Me: Oliver, what does a sheep say?
M: What does a cow say?
O: Moh.
M: What does a chicken say?
O: (High pitched) BAH!  (He's saying "Bock!")
M: What does a horsey say?
O: Nah. (Neigh)
M: Where's your belly?
O: (Lifts up shirt)
M: Where's your head?
O: (Puts both hands on head)
M: Where are your fingers?
O: (Points to fingers)
M: Where are your toes?
O: (Bends over and touches toes)
M: Where are your ears / eyes / mouth?
O: (Looks confused / throws something at me / sprints away)
Um, I'm a little too intense.  Ooookaaaayyyy...back away from the Baby Einstein books, Mama.
But in my defense, I just want to make sure he remembers.  And it's adorable.  But yeah, I'll cool it.
He's swimming in the tub.  I set him down last night and immediately he got down on his belly.  I have a picture in storage of me on my belly in the bath when I was younger.  I took a picture of him and they are almost exactly the same.  I'll put them side by side for you to see at some point.
We may be living with the Turk in-laws until we save enough money for a house.  All of our friends are sending us housing flyers.  As soon as I get a job, we'll be able to budget and see how we can make it work.  I'll keep you informed.
We have had a little setback to our budget as it slowly dawned on us this month that we cannot make it work with 1 family car.  I'm either stranded or Doug is.  Currently accepting advice on what cars would be long lasting and less expensive...
Meredith's pregnant!  :)
And our city is under siege tonight.  I pray that my friends are all safe.  So far they all are, and I believe that will continue.  What makes me sick is seeing Jane's Carousel, all the years of hard work that went into restoring it, under water.  Lady Liberty being hit by walls of water.  The Stock Exchange floor under water.  14th Street under water.  ConEd blowing up.  People's homes, places of worship, places of business, daycares, coffee shops...all under water.  These aren't just pictures to Doug and I, they are places where we have been.  I pray that the communities come together and help dry up everybody's lives.  I pray that this storm ends soon.

I love you all tonight.  Stay safe, warm, dry, healthy and strong.


Mandie Rose said…
Dear Blaine, You are an excellent mother and a beautiful person, which is evident in your blogs but also in the first few minutes of meeting you. ;) I wish you the best of luck to find a good job and to find a new home for those two special men in your life. So glad that you're safe and sound with family for now. Hugs!

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