Happy Birthday Jessica!

Today is your Aunt Jessica’s 35th birthday!  Can you believe that your Mama’s sisters were born a day apart 4 years apart?  Weird huh?  I think Grandma and Grandpa have some ‘splainin’ to doooo!

(You have no idea where that phrase comes from.  Oh gag.)

Galatians 5:22-23 says:

The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Oliver, your Aunt Jessica has each of these fruits in abundance.  She’s a cornucopia of spirit.

She has love.  Your Aunt puts time and energy into making sure everyone knows how much she loves them.  She has hosted numerous wedding and baby showers and gives her all to each.  Her thoughtful Christmas gifts are something we all look forward to.  She has a whole lot of Facebook friends, not because she’s moved so much (although I’m sure that’s a factor), but because she exhibits her love for everyone and knows how to be a good friend.

She has joy. Until you have a child, Oliver, you won’t know the indescribable ecstasy that having a child can bring.  You get to watch a baby grow into a toddler, amazing you with concepts you didn’t know they could grasp and filling your heart with more emotion than you thought possible.  Kenzie may be 22 months old, but your Aunt’s face and voice light up when I ask about her.  Little Kenzie is blessed to have a Mama who a) knows a little dirt won’t hurt her, b) gives her every opportunity for growth, development and fun and c) loves her passionately.  She’s smart as a whip and happy as a clam, your cousin, and your Aunt and Uncle have had a big hand in that. 

She has peace.  Aunt Jessica used to be a TV reporter like your Uncle Jay.  At some point, Jess burned out on the media life.  She told me she was, “sick of sticking her microphone into grieving parents’ faces.”  She struck out and made a career for herself in public relations and she’s dang good at it too, earning three PRSA Paragon Awards of Excellence for her amazing skills.  It just goes to show you, Oliver, that if you’re happy doing what you’re doing, your work will show it and you’ll be happy with yourself.

She has patience.  She didn’t used to.  But I got to see this side of Jess first hand at the lake this summer.  We were all gathered around the dinner table in the kitchen and Jess was feeding Kenzie.  Kenzie didn’t want anything to do with dinner; she was throwing food on the floor, back at her Mama, crying and screaming…it was a blood bath.  Jess continued, patiently, until it was clear Kenzie was not going to succumb to eating.  Jessica put her down and let her play on the floor while everyone finished, and then led her to the bath.  She was embarrassed, sweaty, frustrated and hungry, but she held it together.  This is also the way she exhibits her self-control.

She has kindness.  She may not practice loving-kindness in the Buddhist way (breathe out happiness, breathe in suffering), but this woman really is a GOOD person.  Many of us don’t deserve her thoughtfulness.  For example, on Cinco de Mayo she was bringing home leftover tortilla soup that she had made for an office party.  She always walks through a park to get back and forth from where she parks her car, and she passed a man going through a trash can.  He looked a little bit down on his luck, so she stopped, smiled and asked, “Would you like some soup?”  He looked at the soup, looked at her and said, “No thank you.”  Then he went back to digging.  She was so embarrassed that she ran back to her car!  Remember, Oliver, sometimes you can offer everything you’ve got and still be turned away! 

She has goodness.  Your Aunt and Uncle are building a house in Burnsville, Minnesota right now.  They chose to build a house with a big basement so that when people come to stay, they have a whole floor to themselves.  Your Daddy and I are talking about moving to Minnesota and when we do, they have offered us the basement for as long as we need it.  Without any strings attached and out of their own generous hearts.  That’s really saying something for a little family of three who have had to impose on Uncle Jay’s parents (you’ll meet Harley and Sandy, they are excellent) for a year and are probably itching for their own space.

She has faithfulness. Jessica has held twelve jobs, as near as I can figure.  Each time an opportunity arose or a window closed, she’s moved on with confidence, grace and drive.  It’s easy, Oliver, to stay in a position that doesn’t hold a lot of promise when you’re comfortable.  It takes a lot of faith to believe that the Lord has other opportunities for you to move on.  Speaking of moving, she has also moved seven times – for college, jobs and this latest one, for Uncle Jay, who landed his dream job last year.  Soon, she’ll be moving AGAIN to Burnsville!   Each time she packs up, she has to say goodbye to good friends, and figure out how to live in a new environment.  It’s daunting, but your Aunt has done it many times.

She has gentleness.  If you need someone to give you advice without passing judgment, go to your Aunt Jess.   I can’t tell you how many times I called her when you were a baby to ask about things such as: How often do I change your diaper?  Is it okay if you don’t sit still to listen to stories?  How did she know Kenzie was allergic to milk?  Also, she has been a constant source of support for professional questions too.  She knows a little about a lot of stuff.  Or maybe I don’t even know – maybe she knows a lot about a lot of stuff and is kind of a genius.  Let’s go with that.  Either way, she’ll talk you down from a LEDGE.

Your Aunt also has a few things that aren’t so much fruits of the biblical spirit as they are fruits of Jess’ spirit.

She has resolve.  Jessica has worked every day in her life since she was 16 and an un-vested waitress at Prime Table in Niles.  She is a hard worker and doesn’t take hand-outs or crap from anyone.  She also will let you know if she has an opinion, even if it’s not held by the majority.  She’ll give you her reasoning so clearly and concisely that you may share her opinion by the end.  But don’t worry, if you don’t, she won’t lecture you about it.

She has humor.  It is such a good feeling to make Aunt Jessica laugh because she has such a great laugh!  She has a memory like an elephant and can remember lines verbatim from her favorite movies.  It’s a great trait to have sitting around the bonfire shooting the shit.

She has beauty.  Jessica has always been lovely, but when she was attacked by a friend’s dog, she was nervous she would have to have plastic surgery.  She didn’t and Oliver, thank goodness.  She has always been gorgeous and now her face has the added benefit of being interesting.

She has courage.  As we all are at some point in our lives, your Aunt Jessica was eager to be loved and desired in high school.  Regrettably and through no fault of her own, she fell in with a manipulative boyfriend.  It took her a couple of tries as I recall, but Jess was finally able to break free of his vicious grasp.  She continued on with her life without faulting the male gender because of his horrid shortcomings.  That takes balls, babe.  A few years later, she gave a speech to a group of victimized women about her experiences.  There are no words to describe the unbelievable pride one has of a sister who has faced demons and instead of balling up in fear or punching her hand through a wall, she stood up strong and eased others through challenging waters.

Oliver, if you have a smidgen of the traits your Aunt Jessica has, you will grow up to be a very fine man, indeed.  So let’s raise a sippy and shout a toast to my older sister, your Aunt Jessica. 

Before babies, in NYC.

Aunt Jessica and cousin Kenzie (6 months) in Christmas 2010

You've already seen this, but it's the latest of you, the cousins and Aunt Jessica in 2012.

Happy Birthday Aunt Jessica!  We love you very much!


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