Easter Tidings!

Whenever Easter rolls around, two notions go on constant swirl in my head.  I repeat them thoughtlessly as soon as they arrive at my tongue (sometimes several times an hour) until my poor husband suffers a nervous breakdown.  It hasn't escaped me that I might suffer a teensy bit of Aspergers.

These items are:

The perfect Easter hymn: "Up from the Grave He Arose!"  Here's a wonderful version of the song.  Listen to it because I promise it will send your heart soaring.  Yes!  Up from the Grave He Arose! Thank You, Lord!


The punchline of the worst joke ever.  I will not repeat it here.  I will not.  But if you recognize this: "Peter...Peter, I can see your house from here," you've heard it.  It's awful.  It's horrendous.  It's vulgar and coarse.  Completely and utterly sacriligious.  It's humiliating that I even know this joke.  But it's about Easter, so I think of it.  I am THAT PERSON who can't shrug off thoughts that penetrate your consciousness at inappropriate times.  This joke is my holiday version of this.

Now I can add a third treat to threaten my poor husband's sanity.

Doug's co-worker, Jess, a magnificent, mindful, gracious and hilarious woman, recently told us a conversation she had with her mother when she was a precocious 4-year-old puzzling over Easter.

Jess: "I don't GET Easter."
Mom: "What don't you get?"
Jess: "How did people know that Jesus died if there weren't any newspapers or phones?"
Mom: "Word of mouth."
Jess: "What'd they say?  'Jesus is dead, pass it on'?"

It's as good a tiding as any, I suppose.  Succinct and accurate.  Doesn't quite have the whole for-our-sake-he-was-crucified-under-Pontius-Pilate-he-suffered-death-and-was-buried-on-the-third-day-he-rose-again-in-accordance-with-the-Scriptures-he-ascended-into-Heaven-and-is-seated-at-the-right-hand-of-the-Father feeling to it, but we'll get there.

Here's wishing you and yours a Happy Easter!


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