Memories from the Hospital
Pardon me for putting my ruminations from the hospital wing in list form. I'm just trying to get it all down for y'alls!
Emotional thoughts...
Emotional thoughts...
- I believe that the Lord knew exactamundo what he was doing giving me a short labor and delivery. I really don't know what I would've done with an 8 hour or more L&D! Even 4.5 hours (I know, I shouldn't complain), was hell. I'm looking at Oliver saying, "Don't you even start on asking me for siblings. Don't you even dare, mister."
- Thank you, dear sweet Lord, for not giving me a return of Rumpy. I don't know how He maneuvered that as I've been sitting on Rumpy's place of prominence nonstop for the entirety of the hospital stay, but not a whisper.
- Should I be feeling like I'm at babysitting camp and someone's going to come take away this child after a couple of days?
- When Doug and I finally made it up to our private room, I went into the restroom to splash some water on my face. Imagine my surprise when the reflection in the mirror was not the face I have come to recognize as my own. My left eye had a popped blood vessel, my face was incredibly bloated (were those my eyes?!?) and my skin was busted out all over. The tribulations of "pushing with your face" apparently. I was surprised Doug hadn't mentioned anything - so I yelled out the door, "Doug! What happened to my face?" He called back, "You're beautiful, honey."
- Body shape. Huh. First of all, that phrase "in shape" is now the silliest phrase I've ever laid ears on. I know it's supposed to mean someone who exercises regularly, eats healthily, etc., but now, for me, it means someone who actually has all their body parts in the right place. And I, right now, do not. My ankles have been removed, my vagina has been knocked back to my spine and my belly sits like a stranger on my middle. You remember in Disney's Peter Pan when Peter walks around with his shadow draped across his arm waiting for someone to sew it back on? That's my belly. It sits directly under my boobs like a patient and loyal puppy waiting for a hand-out.
- I haven't read anything on this, but I think I'm onto something. Newborn Mama Sleep is different from any other kind of sleep. The dear Lord gave us new mothers the ability to sleep for 10 minutes and feel like it were 3 hours. He did NOT give that to new daddies.
- Doug is our champion soother. He wraps Oliver up, holds him close, gently sways and plays some easy classic rock to get him to settle down. Works like a charm every single time.
- When Oliver nurses, he sounds exactly like my favorite beat on the 80's casio piano that I used to have.
- Oliver had his second blow-out in the hospital while I was on the toilet and Doug had to take care of it himself. The hospital didn't use regular wipes - you had to wet little towelettes. Doug was so incredibly out of his element. He would hand me the dry towelettes, I would moisten them in the sink next to me and hand them back in quick succession - all while laughing. Oliver just looked back and forth between us as if to say, "you have GOT to be kidding me."