Keeping it quiet
The people who knew about our pregnancy before the first trimester was over:
12 immediate family
11 Doctors, receptionists and assistants…
10 Posse Members
9 Minnesota friends
8 Hope alumni
7 Taylor cousins
6 Niles besties
5 Co-workers
4 Best friends
3 Bartenders
2 Supervisors
and a Pottery Barn Kids Salesperson!
I’m not the best at keeping secrets. I mean, well, I’m really good at making crap up when the truth isn’t as exciting. Shoot, I'm not the only person who wants to see what I can get away with, right? However, I’m pretty sure that a serious lie goes down in God’s Judgment Day book and I don’t want to be around when He opens that up. Also, I couldn’t be worse at trying to conceal anything. I start giggling uncontrollably and sweating like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. So I try to play by the rules and not lie to people. However, being honest in this situation (first trimester) is akin to jinxing yourself.
To this end, Doug tried very hard to train me to respond to prodding questions appropriately. With no provocation, he’d (goodnaturedly) come up behind me and yell like a drill sergeant, “ARE YOU PREGNANT?” or “WHY AREN’T YOU DRINKING?” I’d trip over my tongue trying to come up with something more creative than, “Uh…NO, ARE YOU?” or “I’M JUST DRINKING WATER, THANKS!” Doug never got a satisfactory answer, I’m afraid.
When we did socialize (which happened very rarely in the second 7 weeks due to the impending sense of [barf] doom), it was Doug’s job to keep a nonalcoholic drink in my hand so no one would ask questions. He’d pull the poor bartender aside and bring him into the circle of trust by quietly explaining his wife's drink order: Sprite and cranberry juice in a glass that looks like a vodka cranberry WITHOUT alcohol. The bartender never really understood, but we were successful in not being found out!
That is, until Doug gave me a cherry from his Manhattan, I put it in my mouth without thinking, and then spit it back into his glass. Anyone see that?
8 weeks...
Note the sweats that I lived in during the trimie. Also - this isn't baby, more likely it's gas, or a food baby.
13 weeks...
For those keeping track, this is end of the 1st trimester! (Which really p*ssed us off for a while there - 13 weeks meant 1 more week that we had to wait before announcing to the world!) I'm still not "showing" as my book says - but I am starting to do away with belts...and one pair of pants already has a safety pin for easier closing...
More pictures are coming for all y'alls who have been asking. Much love! Have a great weekend!