Ho hum...our life lately...
We're the type of family who hang out near the Brooklyn Bridge.
Ride carefree on carousels.
Sing over a picnic lunch.
Eat Mother's Day lunch out at a BBQ restaurant.
Then leave in a rush when we realize the BBQ is too spicy! Sorry Oliver, we'll give you a few more months before reintroducing.
Laugh at Daddy when he tries to take a picture of us to catalog how much we've grown.
Find ourselves in a jam when we try to find a new place to sit and play.
Watch Daddy cross the finish line at his second Half Marathon! (He ran the Brooklyn half Marathon in 1 hour, 49 minutes and 36 seconds which finished in Coney Island! Ho hum, Doug says).
Hang out in the park while Daddy watches the Champion's League final at the local British Pub.
Later join him and watch the last few minutes at the bar while hitting on old ladies.
In other news, we did go to the allergy specialist a few weeks ago. He was not helpful. We have an appointment with a well-published pediatric immunologist at Mount Sinai at the end of the week, and Oliver's pediatric 1 year appointment later next month.
We're spending our Memorial Day Weekend cleaning like crazy - I've been being bitten and it turns out it's by bed bugs. Crrrrrrap. Over Mother's Day weekend, the exterminator visited our building, but because enough advance notice wasn't given, we weren't home - we figured it wouldn't be a big deal if we missed a month. Well, it appears that the exterminator blew some bed bugs into our apartment unknowingly, because that same weekend I woke up with my first bites. We've Murphys Oiled all the wood in the apartment, vacuumed, bagged up our clothes, took all linens, curtains and clothing to the laundramat to wash and dry...it's been exhausting. We're hoping that the exterminator does his job well and we don't have a recurrence!
Oh, and Oliver's been very congested for the past two weeks. Thursday morning he woke up with a fever (which isn't unusual - he often has a high fever when he's working on another tooth). However, it wasn't going away with ibuprofin AND he's been pulling on his ear. So Saturday, while Doug stayed home to welcome the fumigator, I took O to the doctor where, as it turns out, he was diagnosed with an ear infection and strep. Poor brother.
To make him feel better, we took him out to Payless and bought him a couple new pairs of shoes. Crocs and tennis shoes - since this charger is walking and needs harder soles.
When the exterminator was done, Doug came out and joined us. We walked some bags to Goodwill and then onto Sleepys Mattress Warehouse to get a new box spring, since ours had to hit the road. A little retail therapy later, and we're expecting a new platform bed on Thursday between 2 and 6pm.
We found a lot to do because we had to stay out of the apartment for a majority of the day. I got a wicked white trash or Nascar (whatever your flavor) sunburn:
Other picture-less happenings lately:
- Oliver has started saying, "Ahhhh!" after swallowing food and beverages from bottles or cups. It's adorable. However, he leaned back one night while nursing, unlatched and went, "Ahhh!"
My sister, Courtney, says it must have hit the spot.
My sister, Courtney, says it must have hit the spot.
- Yesterday, while out for lunch, I changed Oliver in the restroom. I had forgotten wipes at the table and there weren't any paper towels, so I wet some toilet paper and used it on him. Well, it left some tiddlybits in his crevices, and without thinking, to get them out, I blew on his butthole. He giggled. I know I did what I had to do, but I feel a dirty.
- Somewhere in there sandwiched between all the FUN, I also found out that I have an allergy to contact lenses and have to wear expensive daily contacts or my glasses from now on AND that I need surgery to replace the gums on the 4 teeth that surround my missing second pre-molars. Sweet!
Have a great weekend!