
Have to share a few accomplishments that (of course) happened immediately following the posting of yesterday's blog:

1.  We had our 7 month appointment, and everything's 100% on track and healthy.  My sugar test came back perfect, my blood pressure is still healthy, I only gained 1 el-bee, Pip's still growing strong and ready for May 25th, AND we've started scheduling appointments for every 2 weeks instead of monthly!  We're raring to go now!

1.  Wouldn't this be a cool picture to show your kids when they grow up?

2.  We've scheduled our birthing class, which is a mixture of Lamaze, Labor 101 and a hospital tour.  Unfortunately, it's from 10am - 4pm on a day when Heather is in town, but it seems the only day that'll work that's not a shower date or too close to birth for comfort.  We'll also be scheduling a CPR for Infants class, even though I have my CPR card from last year.  A refresher for this Mommy-brain couldn't hurt. 

3.  I'm heading to my prenatal yoga class today after a couple of weeks off.  Hooray!

4.  Last but definitely not least, my pregnancy accomplishment of the day.  I cut my toenails.  It finally happened - it took a lot of maneuvering and heavy breathing, but I was able to do it!  Doug's thrilled.

These aren't mine by the way.  Google images is my new best friend.
Shock factor...complete.


Unknown said…
I just urped in my mouth after viewing the picture of those toes. Ya right, like they're not yours!
Mindy said…
I really really wanted that baby foot in the belly to be yours. Maybe you could have Doug watch for that and take a picture? I'd really appreciate it ...

PS Congrats on the perfect 7 month appointment!!

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